Collage book covers

What makes collage book covers so unique? First, collages are often made with a variety of different materials, which can add texture and dimension to the cover. Second, collages can be created to depict a particular theme or story, making them very eye-catching and visually interesting. Finally, collage book covers are often one-of-a-kind creations, meaning that no two are exactly alike. This makes them perfect for people who want their book cover to be truly unique.

Brown: Poems by Kevin Young designed by Kelly Blair,

Designed by Kelly Blair, collage by Jason Kernevich

Self-Portrait with Ghost: Short Stories by Meng Jin designed by Mumtaz Mustafa

Designed by Mumtaz Mustafa

The Yellow House: A Memoir by Sarah M. Broom designed by Alison Forner

Designed by Alison Forner

The Garden of Seven Twilights by Miguel de Palol designed by Jack Smyth

Designed by Jack Smyth

The Bass Rock by Evie Wyld designed by Joan Wong

Designed by Joan Wong

My Fathers' Daughter by Hannah Pool designed by Jodi Hunt

Designed by Jodi Hunt

Trinity by Louisa Hall published by Corsair

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Groundglass by Kathryn Savage published by Coffee House Press

Do you know who designed this? Let us know!

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